TCPA Litigator List: Protecting Businesses from TCPA Trolls
TCPA or Telephone Consumer Protection Act was enacted in 1991 to protect the privacy of the people. Keeping them free from unsolicited calls and any kind of telemarketing communication attempts. While the act is to benefit the consumers, by allowing them to enjoy their privacy. The act also opened up a loophole for opportunistic trolls and litigators, rendering businesses victims to a scheme that exploits the TCPA violations. A scheme that blows an impact financially which is costly to marketing businesses targeted by trolls and litigators. The scheme works by luring companies to make phone calls with induced calls made by litigators or TCPA trolls. Once a business gets caught into the trap, by picking up the phone and making the call, a lawsuit or TCPA claim will be filed against it. Forcing it to pay the settlement rather than taking it to court would be very expensive, which is more damaging financially, and a waste of time. How TCPA Litigator List Protects Businesses fro...